Adding Organizations
An Organization represents the group that will be going on the trip. Administrators and sometimes Site Administrators have the ability to add Organizations to the account.
How to Add an Organization
- Click on the Organizations link under Information Analysis.
- The Organization list is automatically populated if you also own FSDirect and have entered Organizations into that application. Organizations with a yellow thumbs-up (
) are active and ready for use within the application. Organizations with a gray thumbs-down(
) are inactive and will be unavailable for use until they are activated.
- To add a new Organization to the list, click on Add New Organization.
There are 6 screens that you can utilize when adding an Organization. You only need to document information on the first screen in order to save an Organization to your account. Once the organization has been saved, you can use the links in the Quick Navigation box to skip to different screens if needed. Click Next Step at the bottom of each screen to go to the next step.
Step 1: Organization Information
- Organization Name and Address are required fields. Invoice Type and Payment Type will already have default selections made that you can change as needed.
- Organization Type: This is a way to group or categorize an organization (Internal, Athletics, etc.).
- Click Add New Organization Type to add a new type to the Organization Type drop down menu.
- FEIN (Federal Tax ID), Sales Tax Exception No., and Notes are optional.
- With the exception of the Organization Name, this information does not appear anywhere else in TripDirect and is used for documentation only on this screen.
Steps 2 through 6
- Insurance, Departments, Web Site URLs, Contacts, and Notes are all optional sections you can fill out to document more information about an Organization in TripDirect.
- These fields do not appear anywhere else in TripDirect and are used for documentation only on this screen.